

At the age of 6 I can remember putting on my black, patent leather tap shoes and falling in love with dance. I treasure the memory of my first solo, an acrobatic routine to "Caterpillars & Butterflies" - I was so excited to be the caterpillar.  Moments like these as a child are inspiring and confidence building. Mrs. Anne Morgan was my teacher and owner of Morgan School of Dance and through her grace, guidance, and expertise she instilled confidence and a love of dance in me which I am forever thankful. 

Everyday we enter the studio we look forward to coming. We have dancers of all ages and skill level and together we are a family. Together we come alive - we add color, sparkle, and music to our world. We create sights and sounds that we would normally miss in life  like the sound of tap shoes on a stage or a smile between friends who have grown and danced together for years, and even as parents our dancers return because we are all one big, happy family. We are all dreaming together and together we come alive. 

I look forward to making you a part of our dance family.


Kelly Perry
